Its main focus is on etude, solo and chamber repertoire. This is an excellent supplement to the Farkas trinity. It is written in plain language and is generously illustrated and is a great primer for any student. While it does contain some historical inaccuracies, this book remains a favorite of mine to lend out to young students. Horn (Yehudi Menuhin Music Guides) by Barry Tuckwell.While there is an Inner Game of Music book, my opinion is that the simplicity and freshness of original message gets lost in the translation. Of all the “Inner Game” books, the original remains my favorite. The Inner Game of Tennisby Timothy Galway.The author was a student of Bruce Lee and offers special insights to Lee’s approach to his training. Hill, I know of many people who consider him to be a great mentor and teacher.Īside from being a tome devoted to basic zen concepts, these book contains some excellent advice for dealing with a variety of issues directly related to being a musician.